I'm afraid I would have no idea how to add SME files to a Rocky distro so I'll have to wait until Alpha is released before I could even try testing.
Read, and try. That way you learn. Just as I did years ago. And I am still no coder, but your server runs on bits I wrote or debugged or tested. There are lots of things that I can do to help.
Alpha will be when it arrives. The more that help the faster it gets done. Regrettably only a few help. As ever. That is why it is late. Not enough volunteers helping.
However, might I suggest adding an SME Server 11.x news section to the forum so it will be easier to keep up to date on SME 11 specific information.
We may but it really isn't the top of the list of priorities right now. I have a suggestion for you though. How about you volunteer to become a forum admin and help do that for us?
Note - there is no v11 as such at the minute. There is a Rocky 8 install and a bunch of adapted SME v10 packages that will run on it roughly. It is still a major works in progress.
We are few. We have lives and wives and kids. We don't get paid to do this. We do it as we can in our spare time, or retirement for some.
And I do have one suggestion for those who actually know how to program such things:
I think you might know the answer to this right now.
If you want it done, please help. My suggestion. How about volunteering to help work on this? People will help you to learn.
Brian is involved in a major rewrite of the server-manager. If you want see this sort of thing then help him. Get involved. Like Mr Brady said to me years ago. Don't just sit there and hope someone else will do it all. DO something.
Test, write docs, learn to code a bit. But don't just sit there making suggestions. Actually ask how you can help make it happen, and do something to make it happen.
FWIW I made 'suggestions' about v9. After getting my ears burned I got a RH EL6 install and tried to force install the SME packages on it. I had almost no idea what i was doing but what we soon realised was we hit a major blocker to inline upgrading. It kicked off the conversation with others and v9 started to be built.
ANYONE can do this.
That is what open source is about. Getting involved.