Hi all,
we reached some new milestones. The biggy is to have our repos and mirrors populating again since we updated to koji buildsystem. In the mean time we worked on the comps.xml file to recreate repodata with group. This will allow the ease to pul SME Server from Rocky doing something like
dnf install @smeserver
Done- configured and working Koji buildserver
- signing of rpms
- repositories and mirrors
- pulling upstream packages
- working install from Rocky 8 server minimal
- qpsmtpd has 3 separates daemons with their own configuration (port 587 submission available)
- contribs built
Currently ongoing - postfix is configured and working
- moving from qmail to mini-qmail to keep final delivering using qmail ( back compatibility for sorting of email and ezmlm)
- new server manager
- manager panel for lets encrypt and certificates
TODO[] first smeserver-11.0.alpha1 iso
[] rewrite DNS stack
[] few bug fixes
[] upgrade translation software.
[] new documentation site
[] test and fixe contribs
We are looking forward to give you an iso for the beginning of the year, and things should get fast after that.